We have reached the point of questioning our Liberty, our freedoms, and our government. Together, united, we the People can change this. That was the intention by our forefathers. This country was founded on the principles of by the people, for the people, and especially of the people!
To make the changes needed to ensure America stays free we must enact these simple rules as law.
1) Term limits
2) Remove all vote counting machines.
3) Voting to be declared a national holiday.
4) Paper ballots done by hand count in one day.
5) All mail-in ballots should be received verified and counted before voting day.
6) Immagration reform
7) All lobbyists and special interest groups should be ended.
8) Stop insider trading.
9) Henceforth, the federal government shall be required to operate within a balanced budget, just as the states are required to do.
Working together united as one people to push for important changes and reforms in our government.